
Q. 什么是大学挑战计划?

The 大学挑战计划 is a cooperative agreement between 电子游戏试玩 and participating high schools that enables high school students to earn college credit in courses taught at their local high schools. 这个项目是为高中生设计的, 通常是大三和大四的学生, 谁想要更高级的课程. 学生 in the program earn college and high school credit simultaneously for each course successfully completed.

大学的挑战 courses are taught by high school teachers who have been approved to teach college-level courses by 电子游戏试玩. Courses are conveniently taught within a typical high school setting so students do not have to attend class outside school hours. 课程以特殊的、降低的学费授课.

Q. 大学挑战计划的费用是多少?

学生 enrolled in the 大学挑战计划 receive a significantly reduced tuition rate, 专门为本节目调整.

  • 目前的收费标准是每学时25美元.
  • 不允许部分付款.
  • 费用可通过Visa、万事达卡、支票或汇票支付.
  • 支票和汇票的抬头人应是电子游戏试玩.

Only students eligible for the free/reduced lunch program are eligible for a waiver of all tuition/fees for 大学的挑战 courses. The student' high school counselor must supply the necessary documentation of the student's eligibility for the free/reduced lunch program.

Q. Do scholarship opportunities exist for students who participate in the 大学挑战计划?

是的. 学生 who meet scholarship requirements and successfully complete at least one 大学的挑战 course with a "C" or better receive a one-time scholarship in the amount of $250. This scholarship is non-transferable and must be used at 电子游戏试玩. 获得奖学金, the student must apply and be accepted unconditionally to ISU by March 1 of their senior year.

Note: 学生 do not receive $400 per successful completion of each 大学的挑战 course for which they enroll; this is a one-time scholarship that is disbursed during the student' freshman year if the student is enrolled as a full-time undergraduate student at ISU.

Q. 学生如何获得大学挑战计划的资格?

Indiana students who have completed the regular curriculum through the tenth grade and who are entering their junior or senior year of high school are eligible for 大学的挑战 enrollment if they have a 2.5或以上的累积平均绩点在4.0规模.

Qualifying students must submit a 大学的挑战 application and a high school transcript to meet admission criteria. Eligibility requirements must be verified by a high school official prior to acceptance into the program.

Q. 参加国际滑联学院挑战项目有什么好处?

  • 学生 and parents save money as 大学的挑战 fees are far less than on-campus fees for the same courses. 大学挑战课程每学分只需25美元, 相比之下,校园里同样的课程每学分要304美元.
  • 学生 experience college-level course work and earn college credits while still in high school.
  • Enrolling in 大学的挑战 courses gives students a jump-start on college as these courses can be used to fulfill college graduation requirements at ISU or may be transferable to another university. 所有的大学挑战赛课程都可以在印第安纳大学的转学门户网站上找到, www.transferIN.网.
  • 大学挑战赛的学生可以使用国际州立大学的图书馆资源和在线数据库.
  • 大学的挑战 students have the convenience of taking college-level courses without having to travel to a college campus as all course work is completed in the students' high school classrooms.

Q. 大学的挑战的学分会被转移到其他大学吗?

学生 who successfully complete 大学的挑战 course work will earn ISU credit, which is recorded on a transcript that becomes part of the student' permanent record and can be sent to any college or university at the request of the student by contacting ISU' Office of 注册及记录 at http://www2.fc-daudenzell.com/registrar/. Any college or university that accepts ISU credit should accept credit earned through 大学的挑战.

然而, recognition of credit attained at another university is always the choice of the receiving institution. 如果其他机构不接受国际学生联盟的学分,退款将不予发放. It is the student' responsibility to determine transferability of ISU credits before enrolling in 大学的挑战 courses.

To view how some ISU 大学的挑战 courses transfer to other Indiana public institutions, visit 转移中心.

Q. 大学挑战课程与预修课程(AP)有何不同?

Advanced Placement (AP) courses are generally recognized as equivalent in content to college courses, with the exception being that the student must score high enough on the end-of-course exam to qualify for college credit. 大学挑战课程通常与AP课程一致, offering the student the choice of enrolling for college credit or opting to take the AP examination. Choosing to enroll in a 大学的挑战 course guarantees that students earn college credit from day one, 只要他们通过了课程. 大学挑战和AP都提供加速课程, but earning credits through 大学的挑战 reflects ongoing evaluation of performance that is comparable to a college course, 而不仅仅是一次考试的结果.

Q. What can I do if my high school is not a partner with the ISU 大学挑战计划 and I am interested in enrolling in 大学的挑战 courses?

Make your guidance counselor or teacher aware of your interest in ISU's 大学挑战计划 and refer him/her to the program's Web site to contact the program through the information listed. 欢迎新伙伴和新老师加入这个宝贵的项目.



高中生 & 父母:

Please contact your high school counselor for more information about 大学的挑战. 高中教育工作者:

如果你是 高中教育或管理人员,请联系学院挑战赛主任寻求帮助: